Sunday 31 August 2014

A Few Words on... Royal Blood - Royal Blood

Matt Helder T-shirt! Rapid rise to fame! Two people! Only bass and drums! 

Words and soundbytes you've undoubtedly heard if you've heard anything regarding the relatively newish Brighton rockers Royal Blood. After releasing several singles (and an EP for you lucky yanks), the duo have recently released their self-titled debut and, much like the record's running time, this short review can only re-enforce what you've already read and heard.

Sunday 17 August 2014

A Few Words on... Owl John - Owl John

As I sit here, in the office, dosed up to the eyes on painkillers and caffeine and hearing the british summer come to it's inevitable end in August through blinds, I'm faced with yet another debut solo album from another well established rock frontman. More stripped back songs to match the lack of other band members, more confusion as to why I can love the group's output but find the leading man's solo debut so boring.

Saturday 16 August 2014

A Few Words on... Grant Nicholas - Yorktown Heights

Another week, another well established frontman goes solo with an stripped back, acoustic folk debut, this time being Feeder's Grant Nicholas, with an album that I was half tempted to copypasta my review of Charlie Simpson's album and see if anyone noticed.

Sunday 3 August 2014

A Few Words on... Charlie Simpson - Long Road Home

Guilty pleasures. A pesky subject I briefly covered in my Linkin Park review from a couple years ago. Yes, the point still stands that guilty pleasures are redundant as music is a subjective form of art and entertainment, but the looks I get when I tell people that I like Fightstar can easily fit this category.