Sunday 29 September 2013

Retcon-Nation's Five Biggest Nitpicks, Inconstancies and Problems with Breaking Bad (...that aren't Chemistry related)

Tomorrow (or today for our American/Canadian readers) is judgement day. Years in the making, hyped to Soprano-levels and with plenty of unanswered questions, Breaking Bad reaches it's dramatic conclusion and, much like you, I cannot wait...despite the fact that I'm going to, but I digress.

Sunday 22 September 2013

A Few Words on... The 1975 - The 1975

I'd like to pride myself in not getting swept up in undeserved hype. For a while, this didn't apply to The 1975; a new band which took the unusual step of having four EP's of material before releasing their debut album of sixteen tracks of re-recorded and new material.

Sunday 8 September 2013

A Few Words on... Pixies - EP-1

It's been nine years since the last Pixies release, the forgettable Bam Thwok and the Warren Zevon cover Ain't That Pretty At All and things have changed significantly. Kim Deal has left...again, the band is reaching the age where one wonders if they still have enough fuel in the tank to keep going with the same insanity and energy of years past.

So it's surprising to see the band with not one, but two releases in short succession. Today's subject matter lies with EP-1, featuring four new songs which, despite the inclusion of all the other band members, sounds distinctly non-Pixies.

Saturday 7 September 2013

Arctic Monkeys - AM Review

Two years ago, I hailed Suck It and See as, not only the comeback that Arctic Monkeys needed, but one of the years better albums, brimming with tunes and a return to the fast beats, the riffs and the hard rock edge that was severely lacking in Humbug.