Sunday 17 June 2012

Retcon-Nation's Top Ten Games of E3 2012

For those who followed our twitter feed (which you probably don't, but it's here regardless), E3 2012 was the year of crossbows, neck-stabs and touch screens. Microsoft beat Nintendo to the punch with a handheld DVD extra initialiser called Smart-Glass (more like Smart-Arse amirite?), Nintendo underwhelmed the entire universe with further info on the Wii-U's mostly casual market with rehashes of old games (Yay! Mass Effect 3 and Arkham City...A YEAR LATE!) and Sony took a left turn at uselessness town with their Wonderbook (complete with on-stage mishaps!).

But enough about peripherals; it's games you want and games you shall get! Listed is my top ten titles from this year's show...and just as a forewarning, as a PS3 owner, there's a few exclusives on here so apologies if it seems a tad biased (I'm sure if I cared about Halo, Gears of War or Call of Duty anymore, they'd be here).

Sunday 10 June 2012

Sigur Rós - Valtari Review

I remember waking up at the very beginning of 2007 on New Years Day, not suffering from a hangover (despite my body being 60% alcohol and 40% Marks and Spencer's Sausage Rolls) and the first video I watched on MTV2, whilst many of my friends were still sleeping was Sigur Rós' single Svefn-g-englar.

Obviously still under the effects of the night before, I was mesmerised by the truly moving music, the hauntingly beautiful vocals and strange but enlightening video, so much so that I immediately bought the album on Amazon, not really knowing what to expect but hoping for something similar to that wonderful video.

Since then, Sigur Rós have remained one of my most favourite bands. Although I only discovered them in 2007, they truly hit the big time with Hoppîpolla (aka the song played during every BBC sports and documentary montage throughout 2004) and have remained the best band to come out of Iceland that specialises in gibberish lyircs and bowed guitar.

Their sixth full length album finally saw release after a fashionable hiatus and, eager as ever, I had the thing ready for pre-order, hoping for some more creative goodness. I wasn't expecting the album to top Ágætis byrjun (for those keeping track, I'd consider that album a 10/10) but hoping for something in that range.